Copy protection is dumb

For lack of a more eloquent argument we’ll leave it at that. Copy protection is a waste of time for all those involved. As far as tech arguments, people seem to like making analogies between whatever issue they’re debating and the car industry. It’s worth a shot:

Car Dealer: This is the fastest, nicest car we have.
Me: Wow, it sure is. I like the gold-plated-orphan-catcher on the front.
Car Dealer: Ah yes, that particular model was designed by William Morris.
Me: And the stereo, man…
Car Dealer: Yes, the Linn…
Me: I can’t wait to get this out on the open-road, blast some tunes and hit some orphans at high speed.
Car Dealer: Sir, I’m afraid that the noise-pollution laws have locked the volume knob at 3.
Me: And the high spe…
Car Dealer: The 80km limit.
Me: But, you don’t get the spatter at 80.
Car Dealer: Sir, we all miss the old days.

So, that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense. But what if I said that I’d been playing GTA: San Andreas? It probably explains the splatter anyway.

Now that you’re thinking about the poor little children, it would be a good moment to mention the game’s copy protection. That’s right — the game with the punching and the shooting and the stealing of cars doesn’t want you to play on a modded xbox.

Seriously, Rockstar paid someone at least a few hour’s wages to make sure the game had copy protection. Now, let’s sit back and think about this: I have a game about the criminal element and I have an xbox that I’ve gone to the effort of soldering an extra chip on to. Do they really think copy protection will do anything other than annoy me? I don’t really want to buy any Rockstar products right now.

A few minor things

Wasn’t a big fan of the brick header, so I switched it over to the new “bunch of lines” header. Body font has been change to Lucida Grande, was sick of Verdana.

I was having some database problems earlier. I’m not sure if it was WordPress related or Dreamhost related, but the database seemed to stop cold at 10mb, I couldn’t post anything. I had been using the ShortStat plugin for WordPress and had amassed a tidy 7mb worth of stats, so I cleaned them out and everything seems to be back in working order.