Revisiting why hyperlinks are blue. For anyone interested in the history of hypertext, the web or precursors to it
Colours: where did they go? An interesting look at colour grading in cinema over the last twenty years or so.
If you watch a lot of movies and TV shows, you might have noticed that over the last few decades everything has gotten a lot more … gray. No matter the kind of story being told, a sheen of cool blue or gray would wash over everything, muting the colors and providing an overall veneer of serious business.
Trinity College Dublin begins project to relocate vulnerable books
Three hundred years after the first foundation stone was laid, the 250,000 ancient books and manuscripts – including the ornately decorated ninth-century Book of Kells – printed on vellum, paper or silk are to be moved one by one, along with 500,000 others, to make way for the restoration of the building.
It is a monumental task that will take the best part of five years and cost €90m (£75m).
“Moving 750,000 vulnerable books is quite an undertaking, so we are having to pilot everything to see what is involved,” says TCD’s librarian and archivist Helen Shenton, who is leading the daunting project involving a 50-strong team.
As a follow-up to yesterday’s post, an NYT piece on the game’s origin, Wordle Is a Love Story
The word game has gone from dozens of players to hundreds of thousands in a few months. It was created by a software engineer in Brooklyn for his partner.
Also refreshing to read that it’s a fun personal project and not an exercise in growth hacking
Wordle seems to be the game of the moment on social media. This was my first attempt a few days ago. The last few times I’ve been using audio as my starting word (4/5 vowels)
Worth noting that the popular emoji shares are not accessible, not a great screen reader experience. If you’re posting results to twitter, it would be better to screenshot and use alt text.

One of my favourite albums for wandering around the city, doing workouts, etc., is All Day by Girl Talk. It’s a DJ mix sampling a huge variety of songs. Nice for those times when you don’t want any breaks between tracks, or have to think about what to play next.
Not sure if you can find it on streaming services, too many samples for licensing. But you can still grab a copy at Illegal Art.
How to make a wifi cartridge for the original Game Boy. The things that people do with old hardware are pretty wild! Also has a very thorough and technical breakdown of what’s required to make it. Not something I’ll be doing anytime soon, but a fun read nonetheless.
A way that teenage drivers in Sweden skirt age laws — making the their own small trucks
A post every day in 2022?
I get lazy with my personal sites. A side-effect of working on the web most days. There’s a strong desire to disconnect.
But… I also open a lot of tabs.
In the past these tabs would’ve been blog posts. Things I found interesting or needed, or wanted to find later. Now, I just close out groups of tabs and briefly remember what I was researching.
Content aside, there’s also the design and code side of the site. It’s time to revisit.
Maybe a post a day is a lofty goal and I’ll fail tomorrow, but it’s some motivation.
Modernist sandcastles, I’m digging these.