Evil evil Cuba

War on Iraq is one thing, it was a nice grey area, Cuba’s is different though. Cuba enjoys good relations with many countries outside the United States, including Canada. About the only real comparisons left for the tropical island are North Korea and maybe China, but I’d rank them higher up on the priority list in terms of weapons of mass destruction and brutality against their own citizens.


“I think what is happening in Iraq is going to send a very positive signal, and it is a very good example for Cuba, where we saw that last week the Fidel Castro regime ordered the arrest of more than 80 citizens … simply for their ideas,” Mr. Hertell told local reporters.

I’m curious to know how many Americans were arrested last week… just for their ideas. I’m not pointing fingers, everything is relative, right?

New Stuff

This site’s been shit for the last year or so, it’s been a pretty weak display. I got sick of the temporary design that I put up months ago and meant to change. Hell, I’m not even designing anymore, I barely open photoshop. So, here’s a nice texty layout that suits me for right now. I’m looking to overhaul this shit in the near future, I need to get back into the design game. I’ll get all my old work back up, I’ll get all the stuff I’ve written up, and a new photo archive too because the current one’s broken. And I’ll start Conform up again. The game man. I haven’t talked to people in years but they seem to be appearing to me again.

And what better time to start doing all this shit? The start of exams. If I fuck them up and fail a bunch, is it because of the website? Nah, it’ll be due to my lacklustre performance and not trying all that hard. On the plus side, I added a links thing on the side. Just one offs, that should get me updating a bit more.


Well, I’ve had a couple days to come down from the end of the school year. The downside is the complete lack of studying that has been done. Namely zero. I’ve printed off some old exams and starred at my books a little bit, but that doesn’t seem to be helping much. I came home for a couple days, it was my brother’s birthday yesterday. I have a tendency to get even less done here though.

I went by blockbuster this afternoon to grab a gift-certificate for my brother, it’s the old standby. I also picked up a previously viewed copy of Minority Report. I don’t see anything wrong with previously viewed dvds, it’s not like the quality degrades; scratches maybe. I also went by the dentist today, no cavities but I’ll be damned if that fucker didn’t make my gums hurt like a bastard afterwards.