Turkey Day

It’s turkey day in Canada, so I’ll be eating some turkey and stuffing later on in the day. I’m also at home, which means I don’t have the typical amount of computer access that I normally have. I haven’t really done all that much, it’s nice to relax for a bit without the overhead of school. I want to see Kill Bill, thought about going up to Ottawa last night but realized I’ll be back in Kingston soon enough (although I probably wont be able to see it at the good theatre).

Bush Blog

Why is this picture making me laugh so much? It’s their official link graphic too. It has the big kiddie letters and everything. It would probably be more entertaining if the blog was actually written by Bush. Whee, that one’s gonna happen. Can you imagine the president saying/writing what he’s thinking rather than what’s dictated as policy? It would end up kind of like, “Wheeeeee, this chair spins good. Weeeeee.” Then there’d be a bit more, “Wheeee.” Followed by his late-night caffeine infused, “Wheeeeeees”.


Write a post claiming how infrequently you post and do your best to continue the trend. Last weekend was homecoming, when a lot of alumni come back, get drunk and generally act like assholes. It’s a lot of drunken debauchery and gives people a chance to start drinking by noon (technically you can any day, just so you know). I woke up sick on Sunday morning, not from drinking but from hanging out with filthy human beans. Then, I had to go edit the paper. Editing a funny paper when you’re sick isn’t so much fun. Add in the fact that Clark decided to fill the boardroom with forty kegs and fifty cases of beer, so Alex and I didn’t have our own room to edit in. I survived.

Monday was my birthday, also not all the exciting due to sickness. The essay/presentation due for Tuesday didn’t help either. I went down to the Scherzo later on for a couple birthday pints, Dave was bar-tending and it was the DJ collective night. The music is usually pretty chill, and there aren’t that many people. You can play cards or chess or backgammon or whatever, it’s fun. Alanah gave me some stuff for being sick, some Glenfiddich and a copy of The Baghdad Blog. That’s about it for now, I have another Algorithms test tomorrow, I need to do some more studying for it. I have a meeting to goto as well.