Saw Space Cowboys up in

Saw Space Cowboys up in ottawa tonite. It was an ok movie, it had it’s moments. I found the old geezer jokes get a bit stale by the end of it, no subtle humor to be found. The movie was entirely predictable, you could figure out everything that was going to happen before it happened, no surprises. Some of the spaces sequences are really cool. Donald Sutherland does a great job as a dirty old man, and Tommy Lee Jones is well cast as the hotshot pilot.

I guess real news is

I guess real news is hard to come by these days, the national post is running funny shit these days. Like the story about a strike at a chicken factory in the maritimes, where the strikers apparently wrung the neck of a live chicken. The plant manager said that it was cruelty to animals and that they don’t condone stuff like that. He kills chickens for a living. As well as the federal government encouraging young people to hunt. I guess young people just aren’t hunting enough.

All work and no play

All work and no play makes dave go something something. Not that I have a whole lot to do. It’s hard to come up with new stuff for the kids this week, they’ve all been to the computers camps before and know everything that we’re supposed to teach them.